📈 Remote Store Tiered Pricing
Two remote stores (S3 and Azure Blob Store) support tiered pricing, where the more data you store, the cheaper your cost is.
- First 50 TB/month: $0.023 per GB
- Next 450 TB/month: $0.022 per GB
- Over 500 TB/month: $0.021 per GB
- First 50 TB/month: $0.021 per GB
- Next 450 TB/month: $0.02 per GB
- Over 500 TB/month: $0.0191 per GB
An interesting side-note is that Azure Blob Storage in East US 2 is significantly cheaper than East US (the region we use).
- Always $0.02 per GB
But today we don't support that. We just use the worst case - the highest price. This penalizes AWS/Azure in comparison to GCP for large storage deployments.